How does the world move forward from what feels like a descent into extreme tribalism with no room for anyone else’s opinion? Social media was originally a way to connect people and, like many others, I’ve enjoyed connecting with like-minded people, readers, old school and work mates, distant family, and friends. But I’m not sure Continue reading
Tag: Life
Hello! It’s been a while…
I’m flexing my fingers over the keyboard and feeling a little rusty at this, but it’s time to restart the blog. Since my last post life has been a mix of busy, frantic, hurry up and wait, idle dreaming and just getting on with life – cruising sailing is also known as ‘maintenance in exotic Continue reading
Farewells and new beginnings
It’s my last night in our house. It feels empty and a little sad without GW and Zeus. I knew I’d have mixed emotions when the time came to pack everything up, downsize and move onto a boat. Good to see I haven’t disappointed myself…. It’s not that I don’t want to turn into a Continue reading