Thanks to everyone who participated in the NORTHERN HEAT Pre-release Blog Tour. All the wonderful bloggers who welcomed me into their worlds did an amazing job. Thanks to the readers who stopped by for a chat and shared the posts around. NORTHERN HEAT made it into the Bestselling Top 10 on iTunes and Top 100 Continue reading
Tag: Fleur McDonald
And the real jetty is?
I’m visiting Fleur McDonald’s blog today talking about small towns and why I love writing about them. Fleur’s also found the jetty which features on Safe Harbour’s cover. It’s the Esperance Tanker Jetty! Fiona Palmer picked it when the cover was first released and Fleur’s now shared a link to a newspaper story in The Continue reading
Masochistic tendencies…
Why oh why do I do it…. I have an end of May deadline for my next book on top of an already busy month with two library visits and a QWC writing course to run in Mission Beach, but still I go and buy irresistible books!! (And over the next month these three lovely Continue reading
April’s treasures
Good things come in threes, they say. So April is definitely full of good things. My three writing buddies from Australian Outback Romances and Mysteries have all released new novels this week. Bronwyn Parry’s long awaited third book, DEAD HEAT, has been published by Hachette Australia. THE ROAD HOME by fellow Penguin author, Fiona Palmer, Continue reading
Let’s talk Craft with Fleur McDonald!
Today’s guest is best selling author, Fleur McDonald, who’s going to sharesome of her writing process with us. Welcome, Fleur, lets talk craft! Okay, let’s do! Panster, plotter or scener, or a combination? Well I tend to be a bit a panster! I often think I’m going to plan – start out on lovely large pieces of butchers Continue reading
Snuggle pot and cuddle pie
It’s Aussie Author April! Bronwyn Parry, a fellow Hachette Author, has a wonderful post on one of her favourite Australian authors, Ethel Turner. It took me back to being a child, sitting in front of my Grandmother’s black and white TV, watching Seven Little Australians and sucking my thumb as the dramas unfolded. I loved Continue reading
The power of words
It’s wonderful to see so many people rallying to help others. My publisher Hachette has made a very generous donation to the appeal and when I checked on the list of corporate donors on the website I was amazed at the extent of donations and the diversity of companies helping out. Lovely to see Continue reading
An importer with a sense of humour :-)
In our house there’s an ongoing obsession with boats, more specifically catamarans. Every couple of months my husband comes up with a new scheme to allow us to buy the dream cat (so far we’re still dreaming…). He came across this site yesterday and it provided me with the most entertainment I’ve ever had on Continue reading
Treasure Hunt anyone?
Hands up – who loves a treasure hunt?? Can you remember the last time you did one? Was it an easter egg hunt, or a mintie trail? Maybe it was a geocache run – and if you don’t know what that is, google it – fascinating stuff. Perhaps it was a car rally style hunt Continue reading
And the winner is?
Congrats to Catherine Evans, the winner of Fleur McDonald’s lovely book, ‘Red Dust’. It’s winging its way to you now, Catherine and I know you’ll love it!! Thanks to everyone who dropped by and of course a huge thank you to Fleur for giving us some wonderful insights into her writing journey.