Roobinesque’s moored safely in a marina and we’re off to Adelaide for six days to attend the Romance Writers of Australia conference and the Australian Romance Readers Association Booksigning. Really looking forward to catching up with everyone again, but we’ve had to dig out our winter woollies with the mercury forecast to dip below Continue reading
Tag: Culture

Under the waves
What a day! We’re both exhausted from exploring, kayaking and snorkelling. If you get the chance to visit Orpheus Island then take it. The fringing coral reef is spectacular and my photos don’t do it justice. Even more special is the clam garden which is full of giant clams. They were bred here in the Continue reading
Orpheus Island
We had a delightful sail from Horseshoe Bay to Orpheus Island – although I lost count of the sail changes as the wind was up and down. When it reached 17 knots in a rush, and we still had our beautiful pink spinnaker up, I think we were both a little concerned we were headed Continue reading
Sunrise photos with a difference!
The change of weather whipped through at about 9.30 last night complete with thunder, lightening and the patter of rain. In the space of an hour the Susan River went from a washing machine to a bath tub. In the middle of the line of storms I realised I could hear running water – inside Continue reading
Worth the cold toes!
It was worth crawling out of bed in the half light this morning to see the moon set. I knew it would be pretty, but I hadn’t counted on another yacht being anchored in the perfect position to add another layer to the photo. (Sadly that time of day is when I miss Zeus most Continue reading
Clunks, bangs and flashing blue lights…
Complacency is the mother of all evil. Today she came visiting… After a gentle start to the day with a golden sunrise at Macleay Island we headed for Manly to collect the mail and a pot of tint for gel coat repairs. I was happily snapping photos and on Face Book discussing the merits of Continue reading
Haul out the wet-weather gear…
Today was all about patience…The rain showers gifted us more rainbows this morning and just enough sunshine to complete the sanding of the hulls. By midday the sky was leaden and the rain had settled in for the day. We’ve almost run out of small jobs to do so I snuck in a couple of Continue reading
Northern Heat Tour
Capt G and I are finally back in the Brisbane putting our feet up aboard Roobinesque. The Northern Heat tour was everything I hoped for. We met so many lovely librarians, readers and booksellers and had a little bit of spare time to check out the towns we visited. From Casino to Mildura and back Continue reading
Northern Heat Blog Tour – Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day to all those Mums out there. I’m missing Mum today, but as we head to her house to start packing I know I’ll feel very close to her. I’m off to Deanna’s World today for the blog tour to chat with her about writing and Northern Heat. The giveaway continues and I Continue reading
So you’re Australian?
WELCOME TO THE BOOK’D OUT AUSTRALIA DAY BOOK GIVEAWAY BLOG HOP – a chance to win so many wonderful stories written by Australian authors as we celebrate our day. Happy Australia Day, whatever that means to you! In a recent blog post at Ausromtoday I was asked what was the best thing about being an Continue reading