Standing in a queue to board a flight in Sydney recently, I was telling a colleague I needed to find a beautiful, serene spot near Cairns for my husband’s birthday. She suggested Eden House in Yungaburra. A gentleman in line behind us added his opinion and I was sold. Have just come back from the Continue reading
Tag: Australian writer.
When it takes more than ‘sorry’…
A florist with a sense of humour!
Love those early mornings
If there’s one thing I miss most when I’m away from home (apart from husband and hound) it’s an early morning walk on the beach. The serenity of the ocean, laying the first footprints down the sand, watching the sun crack the horizon wide open with orange fire – each day is different, each sunrise Continue reading
Spring time and Jacarandas
Springtime in Brisbane and the streets are lined in purple! When we lived in Bris I loved going to New Farm Park, with its graceful avenue of Jacarandas, having an ice-cream and strolling across the purple carpet. Had to take a photo of this one near the hotel I’m staying at… On our way to the Continue reading
A Day of Community and Conversations – Varuna
Five writers, five different stories, five different lives. The morning’s conversation wove its way through so many themes. From David came the observation that African natives build in circles – both houses and villages. Western societies build in straight lines. Is that why the cultures clash so tragically? From Toni, a beautiful story about a Continue reading