The Dress Rehearsal is Over!

Roobinesque has been scrubbed, painted, polished, waxed and buffed to within an inch of her life. (Sounds like a long session at the day-spa, doesn’t it?) She’s now making an extra knot and a half of boat speed and I swear she had a sexy little wiggle as we departed Boat Works. The last week Continue reading


Roobinesque is now sporting her formal wear with a white top, black pants and a touch of grey 🙂 She looks fit for a B&S Ball! Capt G and I have collapsed groaning on the couch knowing we only have one hull left to polish tomorrow. Come Monday we’ll be ready to be lifted back Continue reading

Nothing But Blue Skies Do I See!

Progress at last! The sun came out to play and we managed to finish polishing the underside of Roobi’s main deck and paint the first coat of anti-foul. Our props have been turned to gold and we’ve turned into a couple of groaning geriatrics! My Fitbit has awarded me a Penguin March Badge and The Continue reading

Rain, rain go away, come again another day…

We woke to the sound of pitter patter on Roobi’s decks and it wasn’t the footsteps of little elves finishing the painting… July is traditionally a dry month in Brisbane. Nothing like a break with tradition to rain on our parade. Capt G resorted to polishing the underside of the centre deck – I look Continue reading

Haul out the wet-weather gear…

Today was all about patience…The rain showers gifted us more rainbows this morning and just enough sunshine to complete the sanding of the hulls. By midday the sky was leaden and the rain had settled in for the day. We’ve almost run out of small jobs to do so I snuck in a couple of Continue reading

Busy day at Boat Works

It’s been a busy day at Boat Works! Sadly the beautiful rainbows we were treated to all morning slowed down the sanding works. Luckily Roobi came out of the water surprisingly clean despite being last lifted 18 months ago. Weather permitting we’ll start painting the anti-foul on tomorrow afternoon, but we’ve pushed back our lift Continue reading

The rest of our lives starts now.

So here we are, it’s Day 1 of the rest of our lives. Capt G and I sailed out of Manly Marina in the dark, heading south instead of north, to do a couple days quick maintenance down at Boat Works. The wind was a brisk southeasterly that grew stronger as the day progressed. I Continue reading

Northern Heat Tour

Capt G and I are finally back in the Brisbane putting our feet up aboard Roobinesque. The Northern Heat tour was everything I hoped for. We met so many lovely librarians, readers and booksellers and had a little bit of spare time to check out the towns we visited. From Casino to Mildura and back Continue reading

A Dangerous Arrangement indeed!

It’s not often I have boat envy, but fellow Australian Romantic Suspense author, Lee Christine, just may have tipped me over the edge with  a wonderful example of a sailing ship. How gorgeous is this little number?? And you can read about it in Lee’s latest release, ‘A DANGEROUS ARRANGEMENT’ which is released today! Congratulations!! Continue reading