Phillipa did make this decision yesterday but I’ve been flat out at work, so apologies for the delay. “I’ve found the jam discussions intriguing. There are some jams mentioned that I’d love to get my sticky hands on and some that I would probably pass by. I’ve made a list and had a think and Continue reading
Tag: Australian Author
Phillipa Fioretti – The Book of Love
Welcome, Phillipa, I’m delighted to have a fellow Hachette Australia author visiting my blog. I’m looking forward to April and the launch of The Book of Love (out in time for Mothers Day!). The cover is very beautiful. To celebrate having my first Hachette author I’m giving away a copy of ‘Border Watch’. Look for Continue reading
Phillipa Fioretti is visiting tomorrow and I’m giving away a copy of Border Watch!
To celebrate Phillipa Fioretti being my first fellow Hachette author to guest blog on my site, I’m giving away a copy of Border Watch to one lucky person! So drop by tomorrow, meet Phillipa and read about her debut release, ‘The Book of Love’.
Storm clouds do have silver linings
Hard as it is for me to imagine, because in my world every cloud has always had a silver lining, sometimes life can smack you right between the eyes. If you see it coming, it may be possible to duck and minimised the pain. If you don’t, then best case, you only get egg on Continue reading
Kylie Griffin – Emerging writer (and RWA Contest Diva!)
Welcome to my blog, Kylie. It’s lovely to have you here. Hope your Christmas and New Year were full of fun and laughter. I loved reading your blog about your goals for 2010. Thanks for the invitation, Helene! I had a lovely cold Christmas lunch with my parents here at home. Unfortunately my sister and Continue reading
And the truth of the matter is?
So my roster’s changed and I’ll be in Sydney for another three nights… sigh… Wonder if Zeus, the demented staffie, will remember me? Lets hope my husband does… I took this photo of a sunrise over Yorkey’s Knob a couple of weeks ago, but only downloaded it today. Didn’t realise what a deep pink the Continue reading
Cool Ice, Hot Nights!
We were sat in the pool tonight sipping a chilled sauv blanc (as you do in Cairns in the middle of January) contemplating what our less fortunate relatives might be doing. The crowd in the UK would be out shovelling snow off their footpath so they could get to their car, to scrape the ice Continue reading
G that’s disappointing…
At the risk of sounding like Bettina Arndt I have to ask if the weather or other historical (or is that hysterical) factors are to blame for recent sexual behaviours in France and Britain. According to the British press the NHS, in a moment of post Christmas bonhomie, is exhorting the Brits to get into Continue reading
Ella’s Pink Lady in the Furious Fifties
Being a couple of sailing tragics, we were glued to the TV for the start of the Sydney to Hobart Yacht race on Boxing Day. As the big maxi yachts manoeuvred for position, like graceful partners in an elaborate quadrille or waltz, I couldn’t help but compare them with Jessica Watson on board Ella’s Pink Continue reading
Merry Christmas from the Sim!
I know my husband is convinced I live the high life when I’m in Sydney with work, so just to prove him right here’s a photo from the other night! Cappie (Capt Owen Capp, head of the table in black) has a favourite restaurant – Zia Pina in Mascot – so we all crowded in Continue reading