Of course you can! ‘The Book of Love’, debut novel from Phillipa Fioretti hits the shelves next week. It’s full of wit, romance and adventure. Drop by Phillipa’s website and tell us where’s your favourite place to read and you could be holding one of the very first copies of ‘The Book of Love’! Here’s Continue reading
Tag: Australian Author
Treasure Hunt anyone?
Hands up – who loves a treasure hunt?? Can you remember the last time you did one? Was it an easter egg hunt, or a mintie trail? Maybe it was a geocache run – and if you don’t know what that is, google it – fascinating stuff. Perhaps it was a car rally style hunt Continue reading
That’s criminal – SinC style!
Who knew being on a panel could be so much fun? I spent Friday night in Melbourne, sharing the stage with Felicity Young, as a guest of the Sisters In Crime, and I had an wonderful evening. Felicity’s latest novel in her Stevie Hooper series has just been released and that is going to be my reward on Continue reading
Young by name… criminal by intent…
Young by name, criminal by intent? Well, why not? Friday 12th March I’m slipping down to Melbourne to meet the wonderful people in the Sisters in Crime Australia! I’ll be joining Felicity Young, a West Australian author who writes gritty police drama with a very complex heroine, and we’ll be chatting with Lindy Cameron about Continue reading
Thanks for a gallery of memories!
Wow, what a launch party at Glaskins Gallery! It’s taken me three days, but I finally get to stop and draw a very deep breath.. Friday night was amazing – so many smiling faces, so many good wishes and so many wonderful friends! I felt as though I air-kissed everyone and talked to no-one. I Continue reading
Border Watch – the launch finale
I’m ending this series of posts on two contrasting images. The first one is iconically Australian. And no, the book doesn’t cost an arm or a leg and it’s cover price isn’t the equivalent of petty theft, but in its own way it will be part of the cultural synapses of this country. And of Continue reading
Border Watch – the launch III
They came from far and wide. Helene has never made a friend that she’s lost, that I’m aware of, and never misplaced one either. She’s obviously also made a lot in Cairns. Francine, from Vivienne Francine’s, is responsible for designing Helene’s stunning dress and Rhonda and Rachael, from Rhonda’s Beauty Spot, are two beauticians who Continue reading
Border Watch – the launch II
God bless all who sail in her – the book is launched, with champagne and speeches. Just the right amount of both. Helene spoke last holding a bouquet of flowers from mum and Bronwyn, and Dad. (Dad died four years ago, but his spirit lives on, and as he was the author of a couple Continue reading
Border Watch – the launch I
Everyone is very excited about “little sister’s” official launch of her debut novel. Son Andrew and I have flown up to Cairns, and Mum Marie with my two daughters Sophia and Libby will be Skyping in from Brisbane when the speeches begin, while sister Bronwyn and her children Rebel and Wolfram hope to be on Continue reading
Border Watch is in the shops!
Thanks to Suzanne Brandyn for my first photo of Border Watch on a book shelf! She found it in Port Maquarie at Big W. 🙂 Liz also found it in Kmart at Smithfield and sent me a lovely photo, but that’s on the home computer, not here in Sydney with me… Another friend, Amanda, bought Continue reading