Writing Races?

They say writers need to exercise their writing muscles to keep them strong, so what better way than to sprint for an hour or two! Queensland Writers Centre has an online department called Australian Writer’s Marketplace Online – AWM Online. It’s a wonderful resource for writers covering everything from advice to on-line courses, to forums. Continue reading

Authors Compare

It was remiss of me not to post a link earlier…  Steve from The Australian Literature Review has created a new site called Authors Compare. Ever wondered how other writers see their characters? Do they have favourites? Just how do they balance narrative and dialogue? Is setting allowed to take on a life of its Continue reading

Getting to the heart of it

Ever wondered how authors create those quirky, vivid small towns that I for one love to read about? Today I have a master of this art as my guest. She’s had a very busy month blogging all over the blogsphere, but she’s made time to come and chat about the differences and similarities in small Continue reading

Looks can be deceiving…

When a friend dropped around this morning for his weekend triple-shot-expresso we told him we were headed to Port Douglas for lunch. ‘Try the services club,’ he advised us. GW and I looked at each other and smiled politely. Services club in Port? If it was any good we’d have heard about it before now Continue reading

Book sites

Are you a fan of Goodreads? Or The Reading Room? How about Shelfari? Librarything? Have you even heard of theses sites? Do you really need any more reasons to procrastinate? I certainly don’t, but I find myself strangely drawn to theses sites. The other day, chatting in the flight deck to a colleague who barely uses Continue reading