I once had a boss who maintained that a woman is issued with a set number of words per day and god help the man who doesn’t allow her to use them all… I think he was trying to say I talked too much… Who me? Whatever the truth, Lisa Heidke and myself are using Continue reading
Tag: Australian Author
Dodging storms
Pardon my absence…
My blog’s a little quiet at the moment so I hope you’ll forgive me. I haven’t forgotten you, but I need to clone myself to get everything done in the next few weeks, including page edits for Burning Lies! Meanwhile I’m being diverted by our search for the perfect catamaran so we can start the Continue reading
Australian Romance Readers Awards 2011
Oh my, what a wonderful evening celebrating romance. Readers and authors flew in from all around the country to attend the Australian Romance Readers Association’s gala dinner at the Castlereagh Hotel in Sydney. Apart from having fun – and that’s obligatory – the evening is to announce the ARRA awards for 2011. Members of ARRA nominate Continue reading
National Year of Reading – 2012
It’s almost here! The launch we’ve all been waiting for. Tuesday 14th February is the start of National Year of Reading 2012. This wonderful initiative has been embraced by libraries and all levels of government right around Australia. Last Tuesday I went to a ‘meet and greet’ for the reading champions in Cairns – there Continue reading
Good news day
Yesterday was a very good day. Started well when both GW and I remembered it was our 24th wedding anniversary – who could believe we looked so young when we married all those years ago… Unfortunately we both had to work, so that put a tiny dampener on the day. Celebrations were very low key Continue reading
Vengeance Born – and the winner is?
Thanks to everyone who suggested a new title for Kylie Griffin‘s third book! I’m so glad I didn’t have to make the impossible choice. Hats off to Kylie for captivating our imaginations before we’ve even had the opportunity to read the first book! And here’s Kylie again to announce the winners!! Hi, everyone, thanks for Continue reading
It’s Australia Day! Work or play?
It’s Australia Day. Yay, a day off, party time! Lamb, beers, prawns, sleep in. How are you spending it? The funny thing is I know more people who’ll be working on Australia Day than people who’ll be having a day off. So that got me thinking. What does it actually mean to us? Cheap lamb, Continue reading
Griffin’s Vengeance
Today’s guest is an author I’ve been crossing paths with since I joined RWA in 2005. It’s wonderful to welcome her to my blog so close to the release of her debut novel, Vengeance Born. Here’s our conversation! Release day is almost upon you! Congratulations, Kylie, it’s a wonderful achievement. Hi, Helene, and thank you Continue reading
Hero material
Ok, I’ll admit it. I’m a sucker for a guy who’s good with animals and children. One of the highlights of our trip to the UK was seeing GW with our niece, Hannah, and more particularly, our nephew, Jack. My husband has always maintained he’s allergic to children, but his actions belie that claim. Like most Continue reading