Today I’m over chatting to Steve at Aus Lit about the integrated short-stories which form The Life and Times of Chester Lewis. When Steve invited me to be part of the project I had no idea what the end result would be. I hadn’t written short stories since high school but I was up for Continue reading
Tag: Australian Author
Contracted to a new life!
Phew! What a week! It’s taken me until today to get my feet back on the ground and life sort of back in control. Champagne all round 🙂 Penguin Australia will be publishing my fourth book – title something like  ‘Dangerous Truth’-  in July next year. I’m looking forward to seeing where Ali Watts will Continue reading
Writing our Troubled World into a Novel
I’ve always loved reading international thrillers and today’s blog guest, Greg Barron, has written an excellent example of the genre, but with a difference. ROTTEN GODS is a fascinating compelling read. I’ll let Greg explain why he chose to write this story and what makes it special. Greg, over to you. I decided early on Continue reading
What’s important?
I’m over chatting with Jennifer Scoullar, author of BRUMBY’S RUN, about what’s important to me. Come and join in the discussion.
Cooktown Charm
Ever heard of a ‘wet jocks’ competition? No? Neither had I until yesterday, but apparently they’re as much fun, only different, as a ‘wet t-shirt competition.’ When I made the long trek north to Cooktown to run a one day writing workshop for Queensland Writers Centre I was expecting to meet some interesting people and Continue reading
Mareeba Welcome
The National Year of Reading has opened so many doors this year and I’ve enjoyed walking through every single one of them! Thursday night I was in Mareeba chatting to the friendly folk at the library. Thanks to Wendy, Francis and the team for their welcome. I loved the display they’d put together! The Border Continue reading
Off again!
I’m feasting with Cathryn Hein today!! Join us to find out about airline food 🙂
Penguins in Cheltenham?
Yep! There were two. My gorgeous publisher from Penguin Australia, Ali Watts, came with me to Cheltenham library! I started the day with a very civilised breakfast at The Hotel Windsor, feeling as though I’d stepped back in time. Next it was off to Camberwell where Ali gave me a tour of the Penguin Australia Continue reading
Cover Girl Uncovered!
Ever wondered about the model on a book cover? My First Officers all wanted to know who doubled for Lauren on Shattered Sky’s cover and I could honestly say I had no idea. But Burning Lies? Thanks to Google Analytics I do know the public face of Kaitlyn, my wonderful heroine in Burning Lies. She Continue reading
This reviewer’s life
I don’t know about you, but I love reading book reviews. I’ve found many new authors because someone’s review has resonated with me. I have several on my ‘must follow’ list and you can find them on an earlier post at here. Today I’m delighted to welcome one of those reviewers to my blog and Continue reading