What do you love most about this time of year? Is it the nightly thunderstorms that start as tiny buildups in the west and end as growling monsters, with the Norse god, Thor, throwing lightening bolts around the skies? Perhaps it’s the frenetic shopping? With my poorly developed shopping gene I can’t say I get Continue reading
Tag: Australian Author
A power for good or evil
Like most people I was saddened to read today that a nurse caught up in a media stunt surrounding Prince William and Kate has died in the UK. It’s hard to believe a prank phone call can have such tragic ramifications. I’m sure neither of the presenters involved envisaged their attempt at humour would end Continue reading
What next?
How embarrassing… You’d think there’d be some respect shown to an old dog, but oh no, not in this family. It may be true that I’m a little anxious at the moment and I have been licking my leg a little obsessively (but they say cleanliness is next to godliness…) There may in fact be Continue reading
Bees knees
It was time to extract honey again on the weekend and Jack and I had a little help. One of my colleagues has just purchased a hive so he was keen to check out how we rob ours. Cam brought his young daughter, Holly, along for the morning. It brought back some very strong memories Continue reading
Solar Eclipse
Sealed with a kiss
The first thing I noticed at the welcoming cocktail party for GenreCon was the bass note to the buzzing conversation. The second thing was how many familiar faces were there from fellow writers to readers to publishing industry professionals. I’m a regular attendee at RWA conference and those romance writers know how to party, but Continue reading
I’m packed!
Okay, enough talking. Where’s this boat? I’ve been packed for months 🙂 This old dog is ready to learn some new tricks!
Writer adrift?
Time to break out the champagne – and this time it’s not to celebrate the launch of a new book (although that’s coming in June 2013!!). No, this time champagne is called for because, after fifteen years of dreaming and planning, the next phase of our lives is suddenly here. We’re about to become live-aboard Continue reading
Colours of our land
I’m visiting the wonderful Tote Bags ‘n’ Blog today and talking about the colours that make our land so special to us. Find the conversation at  : http://authorsoundrelations.blogspot.com.au/
Tropical Writers Festival
It’s on again! This weekend readers, writers, lovers of poetry, comedy fans and anyone interested in stories will descend on Cairns for the Tropical Writers Festival. The event is being held at Rydges Tradewinds Hotel on the Esplanade. Friday will see poet wordsmith, David Stavanger, working with writers on transforming their stories from the page to Continue reading