Researching the extreme

I’m busy working away on my next story which has an opening scene set in Antarctica. I’ve had so much fun looking through the photos and watching the videos we shot on our 26 day journey to McMurdo Sound. But just to prove I go the extra mile getting the research right here’s a photo Continue reading

Let the Muse Take the Lead

Kicking off  my guest blogs for 2013 is Rachael Johns. Congratulations to Rach for being shortlisted for the Australian Romance Readers Awards. It’s a wonderful accolade and richly deserved. Please make her very welcome as she shares some of her writing process. Hi Helene – thank you so much for having me back on your Continue reading

Beach treasures

I’ve always been a bit of a beachcomber. Since I know I won’t have room for all my little treasures on the yacht I’ve started collecting photos of things that catch my eye. This is a cuttle fish on a clump of seaweed washed up on Four Mile beach at Port Douglas. Found anything interesting Continue reading

I’m sorry, but I think we’ll have to break up…

Dear TransLink, you broke my heart tonight. You promised an evening of bright lights and city streets. You said you’d pick me up at 8.04 precisely. You said the trip would be seamless, economical, green even. You guaranteed I’d be home in my hotel room by 8.46. I trusted you… I believed you… Instead you Continue reading

Australian Women Writers Challenge 2012

Talk about scraping home by the skin of my teeth! As 2012 draws to a close I thought I’d best post my completed list for the Australian Women Writers Challenge. I’m a little stunned that I found time to read so many. A very big thank you to Elizabeth Lheude for instigating this wonderful challenge. Continue reading

And so that was Christmas :)

The day started with a leisurely walk on Trinity Beach, a bath for Zeus and breakfast by the pool. That was all too much for Zeus who then needed a pensioners nap… GW sent up a protective mantle of sandalwood smoke to ward off the mozzies – particularly those with the stripy footie socks who Continue reading

Essential supplies!

Hi everyone, it’s me, Zeus. They’ve left me home alone so I thought I’d jump on the computer and take the opportunity to wish you all the very best for the coming year. It’s all a bit frantic in the house at the moment – visitors, cooking, cleaning, more visitors, going visiting, extra cooking, wrapping, Continue reading