From Zeus’s Bean bag – Please welcome Nero and Bunson!

Hello, dear friends and followers, I’ve always been a devotee of Richard Fidler on the ABC and Michael Parkinson on the BBC. Helene has finally caved in a recognised my talent. So here it is! My first interview going live. Please enjoy. Nero, Bunson, I’m delighted to turn the spotlight on you two today. I Continue reading

Contest Winners

I’ve been busy in the blogsphere while I’ll be tracking around Australia and with all the excitement I haven’t had time to post the winners from several visits and the Good Read Giveaway for Half Moon Bay. The winner from Book’d Out’s blog was Heidi – the book is winging its way to her letterbox Continue reading

Tall fishing stories…

You know what they say about fisherman – the size of the fish grows in the telling… I’m over at Cathryn Hein’s fabulous Friday Feast waxing lyrical about Capt G’s endeavours on our recent sailing trip from Brisbane to Cairns. I’m even prepared to share a couple of my sure fire recipes so drop by Continue reading

The Marion Centre

Yesterday was the final day of my South Australia tour and it didn’t get off to the most seamless of starts when our flight from Mt Gambier was delayed by almost 2 hours… One of the issues for regional flying is always going to be availability of spare parts and engineers when something goes wrong Continue reading

Knowledge in Gosnells

Once I got over the shock of 3 degrees on the temperature gauge the walk to the Green House was an invigorating start to the day. Drop by the website for the Green House and check out the time lapse video of the restaurant’s construction. It is truly unique with delicious food and a quirky Continue reading

Not even fog could stop us getting to Kalamunda Library!

After a flying visit to see Mum before I left Brisbane we got to the airport to discover fog in Sydney was playing havoc with airline schedules. Instead of arriving in Perth with plenty of time to check into the hotel and enjoy Perth’s ambience Ali, my publicist from Get Reading Australia for this leg Continue reading

Get Reading in Caloundra and Redcliffe

I started the day in a rainy Cairns and finished in a chilly Brisbane. Along the way I chatted with readers, writers and an old friend in Caloundra and Redcliffe. Thanks to Belinda from Get Reading I was on time and on track – nothing more a pilot could ask for! Thanks to Simone and Continue reading

Good news week!

Capt G and Zeus are suffering from too much excitement this week. Here we are on a gorgeous Sunday morning and my boys are both snoring their heads off!! Evidence is indisputable. I, on the other hand, am still bouncing off the floors and the ceilings! (There will no photographs of that particular manoeuvre!) This Continue reading

Glittering Literati

What a fabulous two days! I had the honour of chauffeuring Anna Campbell to the Gold Coast Literati Festival, which made for a very entertaining drive. (I perfected my u-turns in the Surfers Paradise streets as google maps led me up ‘no through road’ after ‘no through road.’) I wore my favourite coat – which Continue reading

Pssst! It’s me :-)

Helene’s left us alone for a couple of days so I thought I’d work on raising my profile some more. I’m chatting to Nero and Bunson – the Battistel’s hounds – about being a star! I think Helene better start taking tips from me 🙂 Find us at  : Gabbawrites And here’s another endearing photo Continue reading