Day Three – Fitzroy to where?

Day Three Forecast – Wind 15 – 20 kts, south-easterly, seas 1.7 on a 1.5 metre swell. Actual – Wind 20 -25 kts, south-easterly, seas 1.7 on a 2 metre swell. Possible showers of rain. It’s easy to forget that strong emotion can be exhausting and perhaps the weather gods knew we needed a day Continue reading

So here we are again

Day One: Forecast – Wind 15-20 kts, seas to 1.7 metres on a 1.5 metre swell. Clear skies and 24 degrees. Actual – Wind 20- 25 kts gusting to 30, seas 2.0 on a lumpy 1.5 metre swell. Clear skies, 24 degrees It’s hard to believe that we’ve been in Cairns aboard Roo Bin Esque Continue reading

Wangi Wangi Library

I spent a relaxing morning wandering around Lake Macquarie, tootling down narrow streets and investigating numerous inlets and bays. What a pretty area! It’s another ‘best kept secret’! The lovely librarians at Edgeworth had recommended lunch at the Wangi Wangi pub and Brenda Telford joined me there along with Anne from the Wangi Wangi library. Continue reading

Edgeworth Library

What a wonderful afternoon chatting about books and writing! Thanks to Allison and her team at the Edgeworth library for making me so very welcome and to Brenda for initiating the visit. It was lovely to talk with such engaging readers – and that cake was divine 🙂 And even more special was meeting a Continue reading

Life’s like that…

Life’s a funny old thing. Just when you think you can sit back, relax and enjoy the ride those pesky little Fates tweak the threads of the fabric and suddenly everything changes. Clotho, the Fate responsible for spinning the threads, is clearly meddling with me at the moment. Over the last twelve months I’ve had Continue reading

A Romance Book Haven

I’m out and about at Romance Book Haven today sharing some of my favourite questions from the Get Reading Tour. And since I’m still celebrating Burning Lies making it onto the RUBY shortlist and the Daphne du Maurier shortlist there’s a copy to be won. You can always give it away as a present if Continue reading

Cucumber sandwich anyone?

I’m over chatting to Alison Stuart about the aviation industry, Zeus and writing. I’m also giving away a copy of Burning Lies to celebrate being on the short list for the Daphne’s, The RUBY and now longlisted for the Davitt’s!! (Happy to send the book as a gift if you have some one special you’d Continue reading


We’d be all the poorer without our wonderful local ABC Radio stations. When I was on tour with Get Reading I chatted to ABC presenters in four states and they were all so welcoming and friendly. It’s always lovely to come home to my ABC – Far North ABC – with presenters who brighten my Continue reading

Space to write – Sandra Harris

Today’s guest is someone who’s been with me on a parallel writing journey for about thirteen years. It’s fabulous to see her debut novel ‘ALIEN, MINE’ out and about. I’ve read some very early drafts of the opening chapters and it’s been amazing watching Sandra’s writing bloom (a bit like her gorgeous garden!) It was Continue reading