‘For Dolly, who, in the briefest of meetings, taught me the importance of being still.’ (SAFE HARBOUR 2014) It’s not often you meet someone briefly who has a profound effect on you. I met Dolly on a fishing trip out of Darwin a few years ago. Capt G and I were heading out with a Continue reading
Tag: Australian Author
Six Sharp Questions!
I’m being interrogated by the Booktopia Book Guru on the Booktopia Blog! Come and join the conversation 🙂
She always gets her man?
Of course! And why wouldn’t she? Isn’t everyone a sucker for a happy ending?? Last Friday in Melbourne I hope Leigh Redhead, Bronwyn Parry, Cheryl Wright and I convinced the audience we all need some optimism in our lives. And if we didn’t, we had fun trying! The panel discussion at the Sisters In Crime Continue reading
Writing process? What writing process?
The lovely Jenn J McLeod tagged me last week in a post about our writing process. No stranger to embracing a second chance or trying something different, Jenn took the first tentative steps towards her tree change in 2004, escaping Sydney’s corporate chaos to buy a small cafe in the seaside town of Sawtell. Moving Continue reading
For One Night Only
Today I’m welcoming Phillipa Fioretti back to my blog. We’ve been writing buddies since our debut novels hit the shelves in 2010 and I’ve been waiting impatiently for her latest release with Momentum Books, For One Night Only. I wasn’t disappointed. Phillipa’s stories have a lightness of touch that always captivates me and this was Continue reading
And the winners are!
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Australia Day Book Giveaway Blog Hop! What an amazing variety of fabulous books which are now winging their way to new homes. A huge thank you to Shelleyrae from Book’d Out for organising the event again this year. I had a lovely time revisiting wonderful, evocative Continue reading
Australia Day Book Giveaway!
It’s the Australia Day Book Giveaway Thanks to Shelleyrae from Book’d Out for setting up an Australia Day Book Giveaway again this year. Click here to visit the site and find other wonderful opportunities to win books. And what ever you’re doing to celebrate it – enjoy!! So what does Australia Day mean to you? Continue reading
Novel Writing Retreats Australia (with an end of year special price!)
Next year I’m delighted to be one of nine novelists involved with Novel Writing Retreats Australia in Tasmania. I’ll be there from 21st to 29th June 2014 and am looking forward to working with six writers for 9 days and 8 nights. I know how enjoyable and valuable I found my week at Varuna, The Writers’ Continue reading
Thanks to everyone who entered my Christmas Giveaway. I wish you could all be winners, but sadly that can’t be the case. So many of you sent me beautiful emails and all were deserving so the only fair way was to put your names in Capt G’s hat and draw a winner. Congratulations to Amanda Continue reading
Everything I learned about writing I learnt from children’s books
It’s been a while between visitors and I’m sorry about that, but juggling a full time job along with writing has proved pretty darned complex this month… Today I’m delighted to welcome Kate Belle to my blog and even more delighted about her topic. Please welcome Kate! Hello readers and thanks for having me, Helene. Continue reading