Don’t forget voting is open all this week for Booktopia’s Favourite Australian Author. Thanks to all the lovely readers who voted for me in previous rounds! Lovely to have snuck into the finals alongside so many of my favourite authors! Check out the list and have your say at:
Tag: Australian Author
Happy New Year!
As many of you know, I’m something of a sunrise, sunset kind of woman. The sense of anticipation as the sun cracks the horizon is tempered by a certain regret as night overruns the day. New Year’s eve has a similar effect on me. Have I made the most of the year that’s been? Have Continue reading
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from all aboard RooBinEsque. Wherever you are in the world I hope your day is full of laughter and love! xxx Helene, Capt G and Zeus the Salty Seadog.
Sorry for my absence…
Please forgive me for neglecting my blog, but sadly life is at capacity right now… I have managed to hit ‘send’ on the latest round of edits for Northern Heat, but for the first time in six books I’m not entirely happy with my work. I know there’s another round of significant editing to go Continue reading
Harnessing Place in Popular Fiction
I’m visiting the Queensland Writers Centre Blog today to chat about Harnessing Place in Popular Fiction. Drop by for a chat and check out the details on the workshop I’m conducting in Hervey Bay in October. QWC BLOG
Writing passion
Have you ever wondered how families deal with authors in the family who write in a genre they don’t read? Are they proud supporters, spruiking the books at every opportunity, or embarrassed by the connection? Romance is a hard enough sell for some authors, but what if you’re a writer of steamy erotica? Lovely Cate Continue reading
Engaging the Enemy
Today’s lovely guest, Susanne Bellamy, lives up the range from me in Toowoomba. Her latest novel, ‘Engaging the Enemy’ is out now and stars a gorgeous Irish hero. She’s very kindly dropped by for a chat. Enjoy 🙂 Susanne, thanks for dropping around and congrats on your new release. I loved Mahoney and Andrea’s story, Continue reading
Visiting Sandi Wallace
I’m over visiting with Australian crime writer, Sandi Wallace, today. Stop by for a chat 🙂 Find us at Sandi Wallace.
Hidden gem
I find it hard to believe that I lived in Brisbane on and off for thirty-five years and I never realised the beauty of South Stradbroke Island. Capt G and I used to camp on Moreton and Fraser Islands when we had our big old toyota land cruiser, but we never ventured to South Stradbroke. Continue reading
Safe Harbour
Dux anchorage on the western side of South Stradbroke Island has proven to be a wonderful safe harbour for us for the last two nights. The storms that swept through last night, leaving us rocking at anchor instead of bobbing, cleared the air for a gorgeous morning. Zeus even woke up refreshed after his valium Continue reading