Serenity can still be found if you look around.

How does the world move forward from what feels like a descent into extreme tribalism with no room for anyone else’s opinion?

Social media was originally a way to connect people and, like many others, I’ve enjoyed connecting with like-minded people, readers, old school and work mates, distant family, and friends.

But I’m not sure it’s proving to be so social any more. I scroll through page after page of comments that are rude, cruel and self opinionated, with moderators working hard (bless them) in an attempt to keep posts civil. It seems to me that if you have to tell someone to their face that you have a different opinion it’s either not going to happen or it at least won’t involve shouting…

Yet, armed with a keyboard or a phone or tablet screen, keyboard warriors seem to think it’s okay to be abusive and sarcastic and snide. The comments, complete with emojis, multiple exclamation marks, and bullying pressure to support one’s world view, are as loud as a screaming match.

What does all that achieve? I would humbly suggest nothing but angst can come of it. Angst for the original poster, angst for the commenter and angst for anyone scrolling through.

Life is too darned short for all that anger. None of us know what tomorrow will bring, but I doubt  all that angst is going to change the world for the better. I know I’m fortunate to have a lifestyle that allows me to switch off at times. On a night when the Milky Way looked to be within touching distance and the mighty Aurora Australis lit up the sky I was reminded how tiny we humans are in this vast expanse. Surely, surely, we can accept and embrace our diversity, our quirks and our right to hold different opinions.

Breathe, breathe deeply, and be glad we are alive in a world full of beauty if we can step away from the keyboards and the screens and just appreciate it.




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