I’m flexing my fingers over the keyboard and feeling a little rusty at this, but it’s time to restart the blog.
Since my last post life has been a mix of busy, frantic, hurry up and wait, idle dreaming and just getting on with life – cruising sailing is also known as ‘maintenance in exotic locations’ and I can assure you that is correct! There’s always something to fix on a boat…
I’ve missed the writing, but there’s been so much more to do away from the keyboard. My love of photography has allowed me to fill my social media feeds with images of the beautiful places we’re privileged to visit.
But it’s time to re-engage the writing brain and see what’s in there. Covid left me with some health issues to work through and brain fog was one of those. I’d love to borrow a line out of that wonderful Johnny Nash song and sing ‘I can see clearly now’, but I’m not quite there yet! However, I’m hopeful that my love of words will help restore some of those patchy areas of vocabulary.
I’m grateful the characters in my latest, and much neglected, work in progress have been patient. They’ve understood their time will come and they’ve continued to talk amongst themselves, and invade my dreams from time to time to remind me that they haven’t forgotten me either.
I’m also incredibly grateful to a couple of fellow writers who’ve made me commit to producing something before our next on-line catch up at the end of February. Living aboard the boat full time means I miss the ‘in person’ writing community. The monthly catch ups with Annabelle and Margareta are wonderful and a great reminder that while writing can be solitary it doesn’t need to be lonely.
So here I am, snugly moored in Eden on the south east coast of New South Wales. The weather forecast is looking promising for an early departure on Saturday for a two to three day sail to Tasmania’s east coast. I’ve taken this first plunge and dived back into this blog. Now I need to dive back into my current manuscript.
Wish me luck!

That’s wonderful. Very much looking forward to one of your action packed stories. Good luck (could you have it done by September so I can take it to Italy and read on the way, or then again on the way back, probably no time in the 6 weeks I am there….Just saying! Gloat Gloat)
Jealous!! I don’t think it will be ready for you by then but look forward to following your travels!
Now I come to think of it, I haven’t seen you about for ages. However moving my entire life from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere took stuffing out of me! I hope your Covid issues resolve once you hit the keyboard again. So look forward to reading your next book. Safe journey to Tessie.
Hope you’re enjoying being back in the southern hemisphere, Sue! I cam imagine it would all be a bit discombobulating and it’s been a hot summer…
So lovely to hear you are back at the keyboard, Helene. We have missed you. I have enjoyed all the pictures and updates you’ve been posting on social media.
Thanks so much, Sharon, the support of readers is always wonderful!
Wonderful news, I’m excited by the prospect of something new from you!
Thanks so much, Shelleyrae, I’m looking forward to the challenge of giving my characters voice again
So glad to see you’re back at the keyboard!
I must say your photography has been a pleasant distraction from you missing next book. Your adventures with Capt G make my day, travelling vicariously through you. You have such an amazing talent for capturing spectacular scenery and writing wonderful novels. Welcome back to my home state of Tassie, I hope it brings you a much needed boost, some more inspiration and many more fantastic shots.
Thanks, Lynn, I’m sure Tassie will be inspiring as always! We love visiting and it almost feels like coming home!
Lovely to see you getting back to one of your other loves and look forward to reading some of your high callibre words
Thanks, Nola. And looking forward to catching up with you soon!
Great to hear from you again Helene! Always wonderful to see your beautiful photos online, but reading another book by you would be top of my list! I’m sorry to hear you’ve had covid issues; I hope you’re soon at 100% again. And I hope Captain G is doing well also. Take care and happy writing
Thanks, Brenda. Capt G seems to have a Rolls Royce version on an immune system and is in fine health! We’re both looking forward to getting back to Tassie as well.
Congratulations, the first step is always the hardest. I look forward to reading your beautiful words
Thanks, Kerry, lovely to be back writing more!
Hi Helen,
I was wondering where you disappeared to.
Thank you for filling us in…and knowing you are getting back to running your nimble fingers across the keyboard once again is reassuring.
I am currently reading Duncan McCabe’s novel, The Ruby Princess which I am finding incredibly enlightening re COVID 19. I thought I was on top of the health & news briefs etc…but hey! Reading this has left me feeling maybe I was living under a log.
I hope your recovery comes more quickly now you are back writing.
Looking forward to your next update.
Rhonda (Munro)
Thanks, Rhonda, I haven’t heard of that book. I’ll have to hunt it down! I think there were many people who struggled post covid and I initially put symptoms down to menopause, which may have been part of it but not the whole picture. I’m just relieved to be feeling as though I’ve emerged out the other side finally.
How fabulous, Helene
I am so glad that the fingers are working on the keyboard because I would dearly love to read another of you stories.
I thank you for the beautiful photos that make me smile on social media, they always brighten my day
Have Fun
Glad you are back
Thank you, Helen, your support has been constant and wonderful and I can’t thank you enough for that!
Well done, Helene! Wonderful to see your fingers have remembered how to navigate your keyboard fluently.
But this means the challenge is really real!
25 days and counting…
Thanks, Annabelle, it was so much easier than I thought. I think if we find the joy in our words then they will flow!