Roobinesque’s moored safely in a marina and we’re off to Adelaide for six days to attend the Romance Writers of Australia conference and the Australian Romance Readers Association Booksigning. Really looking forward to catching up with everyone again, but we’ve had to dig out our winter woollies with the mercury forecast to dip below 5 degrees!
I promised Graham that I’d play hooky for a couple of days so we’re off to explore Hahndorf tomorrow and then up to the Barossa on Saturday. During my Half Moon Bay Book tour a couple of years ago I spoke at a high tea on the beautiful Seppeltsfield Winery Estate. I’m looking forward to showing Graham around the stunning winery.
This year RWA is celebrating it’s 25 th anniversary which is a wonderful achievement. The organisation, run by volunteers, has done so much to foster the careers of Romance writers, mine included. They collectively deserve a huge thank and I’m sure this year’s conference will be a wonderful uplifting celebration of the organisation’s success.
If you’re in the Adelaide area than make sure you pop in on Saturday afternoon for the ARRA Booksigning. There are over 60 authors attending and some of your favourites are guaranteed to be there. It’s a great chance to meet them, have books signed and soak up the atmosphere.
We’re off to the airport shortly, but I’ll be sharing photos of the wonderful weekend on social media.
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