A wonderful thing happened aboard Roobinesque in 2014. I met two women who’ve inspired me in very different ways.
In 1979 I watched Deb Wardley (Lawrie) do battle with the aviation giant that was Ansett. She took on the establishment of the old boys’ club to win the right to be Australia’s first female airline pilot. As a teenager close to finishing school, and already dreaming of flying, Deb was a shining light. I hold her largely responsible for my twenty-six year aviation career!
And a comedian called Judith Lucy took the mickey out of everything and anything with a feminist’s take on life. The Late Show on the ABC, and World Series Debating, were seriously funny shows. Judith proved herself on the stand up circuit at time when men ruled the world.
When I welcomed first Judith, then Deb aboard RooBinEsque I had a severe case of stage fright. Two giants in my world in the same place! Thankfully with two cameramen, a sound guy, a producer, Capt G and Zeus it was all too busy to dwell on it.
We spent the day sailing on Moreton Bay, in perfect weather conditions, while Judith interviewed us both about life as women in aviation. Judith Lucy is All Woman (episode 4) airs Wednesday 4th March at 9 pm. The six hours of filming will probably be distilled into 2 minutes (and I’m nervous as hell about what I may have said in a flippant moment!) but the inspiration of that day will stay with me for life.
Two living legends drinking champagne and eating lunch on Roobinesque – not too shabby!

Hopefully it’s as funny as the last couple of shows, Kerrie 🙂
Wow, I’ll have to make sure to watch it! How exciting!
I know we’ll only be a fleeting part of it but I’m hoping Roobi shines a little, Joanne 🙂
No – that’s 4 Match at 9pm… lucky I checked (is there a blushing emojii?)
Will be making certain that we’re ashore somewhere with a tv on 9 March! Fantastic stuff, Helene – you legend!!
Thanks, Anna 🙂 I know we’ll only be a tiny part of the show but it was soooo much fun being involved! And see you Friday – I’m flying in around lunchtime!!
Sue, it’s sounds wonderfully dramatic on your side of the world! How great that you fly the Aussie flag in Ireland. Next visit back to the UK Capt G has promised we can visit Ireland as I’ve never been. Can’t wait.
Thanks for your kind words – I do hope I inspire people to follow their dreams and not to be limited by other people’s idea of their abilities. The sky is limitless 🙂
Wow, Helene, how cool is this? That’s fantastic! Will definitely watch you – what a terrific trio! Oh, and see you on Thursday! xxx
There’s a ferocious storm blowing this evening around my acre of heaven in the south east of Ireland. I have been trolling through your blog since seeing the article about 2 amazing women apart from yourself on FB. I am in awe of what you have achieved and will continue to achieve no doubt where ever you may be. I’m proud to be an Aussie and most definitely stand out in the crowd as Ireland becomes truly cosmipolitan. Home is where the heart is most definitely. I wonder how you manage to pack so much into your life. A wonderful way tone an inspiring to others. Best wishes and look forward to another book, when you have the time!!