The view from the aircraft was very different yesterday morning as we flew into Mt Gambier over a patchwork of rolling green pastures and amber vineyards. The low scuddy cloud added an old world feel to the landscape. I haven’t visited this area before so I was looking forward to the drive through to Naracoorte. It didn’t disappoint. Beautiful stone houses nestled into groves of trees, gnarled and twisted vines with stringy fingers stretched out to their neighbours and paddocks full of new lambs. It’s so different to home and it made me yearn for a good book, a roaring fire and a glass of hot chocolate!
The event was held in the Naracoorte Town Hall, a gracious old building with high ceilings and an honour board of from WW2. Thanks to Naracoorte librarians Merrin and Paula not only for welcoming us so warmly, but also for making the most amazing sandwiches. Curry egg and lettuce will always take me straight back to my grandma’s tiny kitchen. We tried to snaffle a boxful for the road. Thanks to so many of the audience who travelled a long way to chat with me yesterday. A very big thanks to Sam and Megan on holidays from Cairns for coming along with Sam’s mum! It was also very special to meet Bet, who at 90 is still running the local writers group – an inspirational woman.
Collins Booksellers from Mt Gambier attended both events so thanks for making the journey.
We headed back to Mt Gambier and the blue lake which sadly was looking more a midnight blue than its usual brilliance. Last night’s event was at the library and what a library it was! They even have a scuba diva on the roof – I felt very much at home in the tropical children’s section!
Thanks Kristi and Nicky for staging the event. The vibrant library is a credit to them. It was lovely to meet Jesse from the local radio station who was the MC for the evening. A very big thank you to everyone who came along and laughed at my lame jokes! It was a very chilly night and a warm couch and hot drink were calling me so I appreciate the large turn out.
We fly back to Adelaide this morning for my South Australian event at the Marion Centre. It’s been a privilege to talk to so many people and to visit such beautiful parts of this state. I have many more places on my revisiting list!
And for more information on visiting author events in your area check out the Get Reading page!

Thanks, Sharon. Libraries are soooo different to those of my childhood and it’s wonderful to see them becoming vibrant hubs within the community.
And Librarians are a whole lot less scary than they were forty years ago!!
Thanks for coming on the journey with me via my blog. Hope to catch up in person sometime this years?!
Helene, I’m am enjoying following your tour posts so much! Being the librarian that I am, I especially like the photographs you are sharing of the library spaces. Mt Gambier Library is one on my list to visit but after following your tour, I think I would just love to visit every library in Australia.
I’m so happy to read that you are getting such good turn outs at each event as you are such a great author and it’s great to see you have so many fans!!
It’s been fabulous, Brenda! A bit sad that it’s time to head home, but it will be good to see my boys 🙂
Sounds like you’ve had a wonderful time Helene. Such great turn-outs in both Naracoorte and Mount Gambier. Lots of memories for me, that’s for sure. I tried hard, but couldn’t see any faces I recognise 😉