Colours of the morning

We’ve been on a mission to get as much stuff  as we could onto Roo Bin Esque for our planned cruise back to Cairns in April so we organised a one way relocation rental for $1 day to drive a camper van south to Brisbane. (I think the pictures in the brochure must have been taken when the vehicle was new in 2001. The 550,000 kms on the speedometer were a minor detail.)

At 9 pm Friday night the rain was still pouring down when GW collected me from work and we headed south with the thunder rumbling and the lightening brighter than the street lights. The roads on the whole east coast of Queensland are under reconstruction in the aftermath of various visits from a bad tempered Mother Nature so we crawled our way to Bowen by around 4 am. When we emerged from our little nap, less than two hours later, sunrise was brightening the clouds.

Mornings will always be special for me and this one was gorgeous. As we drove towards Proserpine the colours kept changing and I kept clicking away out of the van window.

Finally the weather started to close in again as we neared Proserpine but even then the colours were amazing. It was a tiring 27 hour drive with so many stops and starts for the roadworks but, despite the exhaustion, it was a great opportunity to appreciate our wonderful landscape.

And I have to say tourists are treated like royalty – even by the local police! We figured we looked like a couple of ageing backpackers, on a very tight budget, with our faithful old hound in tow. Even the drivers on the road seemed to give us more latitude with last minute lane changes!

So now Roo Bin Esque is packed to the gunnels. Standby for blog posts as we start our journey north to Cairns. In the mean time I need to fly all week and pass a simulator check ride so the blog may be quiet this week!


12 thoughts on “Colours of the morning

  1. Thanks, Brenda, I’m glad you’re enjoying these little snippets of our new life! It’s all very exciting if a little nerve-wracking 🙂

    And I’m very happy to find I’m not the only sunrise, sunset nut in the country!!

  2. That moment when the colours turn always fascinates me, Sandy. I could watch sunrises every day and find something different with each new dawn. Love it!

  3. Wonderful story Helene! I really enjoy reading about your journeys and adventures…and the photos are magnificent! I love taking sun rises and sunsets too, whenever I can get a good one! Good luck with your sail north to Cairns…hopefully the weather gods will be kind to you all 🙂

  4. I love the way sunrise can turn all golden. Mother Nature might like to wreck the roads, but she sure can put on a display of unrivalled beauty.

    Glad your trip south was uneventful. Poor Zeus must be wondering what type of transport he’ll be bundled into next! 🙂

  5. Jenn, you’ll all be sick of hearing about it by the time we get home to Cairns 🙂

    You don’t need mentoring on writing or adventures!! But happy to share stories!

  6. WooooooooW! what a story you are sharing. thank you. I am living vicariously until that day we get our 5 wheeler and take off. A few more books behind me first though. Looks like you will be my mentor even away from the books!!!!!! Love an adventure.

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