What’s the best way for a couple of would-be sailors to deal with still being landlocked two months longer than expected ?
Head to Port Douglas for a walk on the beach, a stroll around the marina, and a champagne at The Tin Shed.
Might as well enjoy some nautical ambience without the bills 🙂

One day, oh one day…we will visit again..lol
Ah! Will do 🙂
Yep! In the Marina Mirage – at least there used to be. 🙂 Seek and ye shall find! 🙂
There’s a Hog’s Breath in Port? Well I never, Sandy. I had no idea!
Ah, yes, a drive up to Port Douglas, a walk around the markets then lunch at Hogs Breath. The memories… 🙂
It’s such a great spot, Brenda. We jagged a table on the front and enjoyed the wonderful view!
It was a lovely afternoon, Gemma 🙂
Love The Tin Shed Helene! We managed to get a table overlooking the water…it was divine. You gave me a rush of memories 🙂
Lovely photos – jealous!