Happy Birthday, Zeus!

Twelve years ago a tiny little bundle of wrinkly fur and wide brown eyes stole our hearts.

Vanya, Joya, Otto and GW with Zeus - a gorgeous staffy family

GW can still be found with a slightly more robust Zeus sleeping in the crook of his arm.

A younger GW and puppy Zeus

Zeus has never outgrown his love of a comfy bed…

A 6 month old Zeus ensconced on his favourite couch...

And, of course,  my writing courses would be poorer without his wisdom!

Zeus official bio photo

Happy birthday, Zeus!!


20 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Zeus!

  1. Thanks, Bron, Zeus wants to know if it’s too late to come and shelter with you since you’re much closer to the only place that’s going to survive the impending catastrophic end to the world! He’s been following it very closely 🙂

  2. Oh Zeus, we missed your birthday! Many happy belated returns of the day. Big sloppy kissses from all here in France xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. He’s a little over me shoving a camera in his face at the moment, Tanya… Perhaps he realises he’s starting to look a little more distinguished around the muzzle.

    And I can’t imagine you looking anything more than twenty-one, as usual!!

    Have passed your pats on and Zeus sends licks in return 🙂

  4. Happy Birthday Zeus!!! Lovely camera angle there. Any closer mate and we’ll be picking up the greys. Mine are horrendous. Lots of love and huge pats to you. Miss those leg wash days Tan xxx

  5. My, Zeus, you still cut a dashing picture. 🙂 One of my cousins is 11 on Friday and I shall be attending her birthday bash with my mum.

    I hope you received ice-cream as well.


  6. Phillipa, twelve years later I could have taken the exact same photo this afternoon! Not quite so much room on the couch and a bit more silver in both set of whiskers 🙂

  7. Thanks, Brenda, he’s snoring his head off at the moment – sounds like thunder in the distance it’s soooo loud 🙂

    I think he overheard us discussing the fact he’s 84 years old in human years!

  8. My dearest Tansy, when I read it was your birthday the other day I thought to myself ‘Serendipity!’ We are a match made in heaven. We love picnics and walks and new places. We’re in tune with our creative sides and understand our important role in our writer’s lives.

    We really should meet some time before we’re both on walking frames 🙂

    Thanks for your birthday wishes.

    (PS – I can’t believe H posted the photos… There have to be better ones than that!)

  9. Happy birthday Zeus! We’re almost twins! Make sure your humans give you lots of special treats for your birthday! I got some biscuits and some extra mince and some lettuce for my birthday – and we went out in Gordon’s truck to a place we’d never been before and we went for a walk and we had a picnic. And I got lots of cuddles and pats. I’m sure you’re getting lots of cuddles, too.

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