Hi everyone, it’s me, Zeus. They’ve left me home alone so I thought I’d jump on the computer and take the opportunity to wish you all the very best for the coming year.
It’s all a bit frantic in the house at the moment – visitors, cooking, cleaning, more visitors, going visiting, extra cooking, wrapping, cleaning… Every year it’s the same and I used to wonder why they bothered, but you know what? Despite all the manic rushing there’s definitely more laughter in the house than usual. There’s singing (and it’s a blessing I only have to endure that once a year…), the guests all shower pats on me and I dutifully lick their knees in return. (I know they appreciate that because they all giggle 🙂 ) There are more hugs being shared around, more snacks, more smiles, more of everything really.
Right now there’s a chicken in the oven and a glazed ham on the bbq. This year they’re going for the cold spread – apparently they think eating a roast lunch in 33 degree heat with 90 percent humidity would be overwhelming… The fridges are bursting at the seams and the divine smells that drift down to me every time a door opens are tormenting!
Friends who I’ve known since I was a puppy dropped around last night and bless them for their thoughtfulness. Knowing that the boat Helene promised GW for firstly his birthday, then secondly Christmas hasn’t eventuated they kindly brought the next best thing. A Sea Survival Pack!! How cool is that!
I’m not sure that the French champagne or toilet paper will be much use to me, but I appreciate the chocolates and the thought behind it. GW said we needed to test it out in the swimming pool, but thankfully another friend turned up before he could launch us all into the water! Saved by the pop of a champagne cork 🙂
So may your Christmas be full of wonderful friends, your favourite relatives and much love and laughter. It is a time to reflect on what’s gone and a time to dream of the future. On that note I’m off for a nap.
See you all in 2013!

Sandy O, I’ve made darn sure they don’t put that yellow thing on me again. I read the rules – apparently I have to wear one anytime we’re crossing a bar. Since there are no bars in the pool (just the fence) I’m determined to continue au natural swimming!
Bless them for their concern, but I’m a better swimmer than either of H or G!
Happy New Year to you!!
Margaret, I’m a stoic kind of hound… They bred us tough to fight bulls so I know a bit about tenacity. And I do enjoy meeting all you lovely people on the blog so all in a good cause! Happy New Year to you too!
Yep, you made me giggle. It’s a great time of year to share a smile and hug with friends and family. Glad you’re having fun, but I’m not sure you should let GW near the pool for a while…
Merry Christmas, Zeus! I’m surprised you consented to their taking such liberties! Just goes to show what a good-natured boy you are. Anyway, I guess all the treats, food and otherwise, made up for it! Happy New Year!
Thanks, Kerrie, I trust you too had a lovely day!
Lol, Sandy and KC, I believe in ‘be safe, be seen!’
GW was laughing because I groaned for the entire photo shoot. If only they could understand me, they wouldn’t necessarily be laughing then!!
Hope you had a lovely day with your extended family. Lovely to have royalty in the clan 🙂
Merry Xmas Zeus. Hope you and your humas had a great day!
Merry Christmas, Zeus! The search and rescue green will certainly stand out in a sea, but let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Though I must say the colour enhances your dark brindle good looks. I think your GW-dad could have treated you with a bit more respect, but that’s some owners for you.
My extended family are coming for lunch today, so I’ll get lots of cuddles and kisses from my Nanny and I’ll be able to play with my royal cousins (because they too are King Charles Cavaliers). xox KC
Thanks, Brenda, I felt like a handbag… GW says he knows the feeling 🙂
I’m planning on spoiling them tomorrow and might even take myself for a walk to save them the bother.
Thanks for dropping by the blog during the year. It’s been lovely staying in touch in cyberspace. I’ve had a ball hijacking Helene’s blog on the odd occasion she’s been busy.
Oh Zeus, you don’t look very elegant in that photo 😉 Thanks for your wishes…make sure you and your humans have a wonderful Christmas too, won’t you…don’t eat too much 😉