This morning, while the rest of Cairns was heading to the Amateurs race meeting, we made the trek to Yungaburra for the Book Fair. The drive up the Kuranda Range road, and then the journey through the beautiful Atherton Tablelands, is worth the trip all by itself. (It’s why we live where we live!) ย The bonus at the end of the drive is catching up with other writers and, being a little nosey, chairing a panel is my idea of a fun afternoon! It’s fascinating listening to people’s writing journeys and how they reached their publishing goals.

Helene, Alicia, Julia, Elizabeth at Yungaburra 2012
Elizabeth Martin, author of The Coffeeholic and the Cafe, who’s another regular at Yungaburra came along for a chat.ย Alicia Hope, with her latest release ‘Glass Ceiling’ available now on Amazon, joined us to talk about indy publishing.ย Julia Fulford-Kirby talked about her experiences with the UK publisher who worked with her on her memoir, Echoes of Eve.
Warming up the audience before we took to the stage was Monty Dwyer. Remember the weather man on the Today Show who was always up to mischief? Seems he’s a singer-songwriter, author, film maker and talented raconteur who has three books and several DVDs on the shelf with several more in the pipeline. He also happens to be very charming!
Thanks to the audience for asking great questions. Thanks to Linda from Tablelands Books for her support and a special thanks to Sarah Braun for inviting me to Yungaburra in the first place!

It’s a very pretty drive, Brenda, and such a change from the colours of the coast.
Since I love chatting with other writers it was destined to be a wonderful day ๐
Love the sound of the trip up through the Atherton Tablelands, Helene….one day!! Sounds like you had a lovely day overall! Good for you ๐
It was a fabulous day, Sandy!
Wow, what a great day. All that talent and enthusiasm. ๐