The talented Jenn McLeod has tagged me in a something called ‘Lucky Seven’ and I can’t refuse the challenge!
Here are the rules
Go to page 7 or 77 of your latest work. Read down to the seventh line and then post online the next seven lines or sentences. Then head off and tag seven more writers.
The good thing is nothing good, bad or unpredictable is going to happen if you don’t join in or you break the chain. It’s just for fun 🙂
So here’s my offering from BURNING LIES – due for release on 2nd July. Enjoy!
‘Spectacular. The colours are amazing,’ she said. The other three crewmembers murmured in agreement. At 1500 feet, the ocean stretched from horizon to horizon, the build up of thunderstorms ahead the only indication that the Australian coastline was just out of sight.
The outer Great Barrier Reef was like a series of giant fresh-water pearls, strung together in a rope and resting on French navy satin. In the late afternoon, with the sea breeze fading, the breaking waves of the Coral Sea added a white ruffle to the eastern side of the reefs.’

Thanks, Margaret. Page 77 wouldn’t have read so well so happy to use page 7!
Wonderful extract, Helen!
Thanks, Lisa! Not long now!
And how’s you next book shaping up???
Beautiful Helene…I could see the setting perfectly. Can’t wait to read the whole boook. Not long to go now! xx
Thanks, Rachael ad Efthalia:) It’s a fun way for all of us to share!!
Love sneak peaks.
And who says it “wasn’t useful?” It was to us Helene, look at the beautiful and vivid picture you have painted for us in our imagination, with seven lines.
Thanks for sharing.
Ooh only a couple of weeks until we get to read it all!!! YAYA!
Thanks, Brenda, the world outside my window is full of such wonderful pictures! I’m very lucky 🙂
Love it Helene…you paint such beautiful pictures, and make it so easy to visualize it in all it’s splendour!
And it looked like that today, Jenn 🙂
I was very relieved, Jennifer! Page 77 wasn’t useful at all!!
“giant fresh-water pearls, strung together in a rope and resting on French navy satin”
Thx for taking up the challange and introducing more authors to watch out for.
That’s pretty good for a random selection! It could have been dialogue. What a fabulous excerpt …