Did you ever going looking in the back of wardrobes to see if you could find a way into Narnia? I did. Frequently. I’ve stopped now…
Two unrelated posts on Face book and a friend’s blog made me pause this morning and contemplate how some stories become part of our ordinary world.
Kylie Griffin posted this you-tube video on her web page.
It seems the group responsible ‘Improve Everywhere‘ has been doing this sort of staged scene since 2001. Very funny seeing people around them more or less accept this as plausible. Of course Princess Leia and Storm Troopers may ride the NY subway on a daily basis for all I know 🙂
My niece posted a link to The Guardian in the UK (I’m a little behind as this story is over a year old..) Apparently Durham University announced in 2010 that it would be running a course as part of an Education Degree which examined the Harry Potter books and their reflection/impact on society. I had instant images of Quiddich competitions and Golden Snitches floating down the hallowed halls of Durham.
How wonderful that stories, told with so much imagination, have become accepted as plausible, believable and everyday comfortable. How many children today practice their spells, imagine their broomsticks will fly, and talk to paintings hoping to catch a glimpse of the Grey Lady? (None, I hope, go pushing trolleys into brick walls in UK train stations…)
Was there a story that captivated you? One that never quite left you alone and still, in quiet moments, you secretly believe is real?

Helene we will have fun in the Sim as always. Not really sure what where doing but will definitely save civilisation as we know it.
How did I miss Cathy’s post as well as Brett’s…. sorry guys, it’s been a little busy up here!
Brett, we may need the ‘saved civilisation as we know it’ this week in the sim!
“Make It So”
“In my opinion as Ship’s Counsellor He’s NUTS!”
“Resitance is Futile, you will be assimilated”
Yep love those to. And from the same one.
“Assimilate This” Boom.
Used to use this one after a lot of Coastwatch flights from an older movie.
” Once again we’ve saved civilization as we know it”
My Favorites:
“Make It So”
“In my opinion as Ship’s Counsellor He’s NUTS!”
“Resitance is Futile, you will be assimilated”
“Use The Force, Luke”
You’re doing the Time warp AGAIN? 😉
Yes, some nights you could even smell them … or was that the garbage bins?
Argghhh, the Black Riders!!! Didn’t know they were outside your window as well!!!
Ah, the Black Riders … scarier in the book than in the movie, and scarier still when they were snuflling under my window at home in the middle of the night …
Illogical? Possibly but it’s word association for me… Mork and Mindy are intertwined with Star Trek, Star Wars and Dr Who 🙂 Does that mean I’m stuck in a time warp?
Illogical, Captain, Ork is not in the Starfleet database
Oh yes, Sandy, I can move my eyebrows so I was convinced I’d be able to do my nose as well!
And Nanu Nanu is right up there with the Vulcans!
Bewitched with Elizabeth Montgomery. And how often do you see the Vulcan sign of peace proffered with ‘Live long and Prosper’?
Time travellers are wonderful, Bron. I think when I first went to the UK (and I was well past childhood) I rather wistfully checked out phone boxes as I walked past in case Dr Who was loitering in one…
There were two British time-travel TV series on when I was a kid/early teenager that I loved. I can’t remember the names of them, but in one, a modern girl, recovering from an illness, is sent to stay with her aunt for a few weeks in an old farmhouse/manor. At various times she finds herself in Tudor? Elizabethan? times in the manor, where there is some political intrigue going on, and she meets a lad of around her own age.
The other series I remember even less about, but modern kids living near an old abandoned airfield crawl under a gap in the fence and find themselves in WW2.
Time travel catches my imagination; I’m not into a lot of paranormal stuff, but I could see myself writing a time-travel story 🙂