Last week I had a look at what conflict shouldn’t be. Today, ably assisted by Zeus, I’m contemplating what conflict should not do to your hero or heroine.
Conflict shouldn’t demean them.
The conflict can and should challenge them, change them, because we want our characters to grow with the story, but it shouldn’t paint them as a lesser person. If it does you will have your work cut out getting your readers to empathise with them again.
Now don’t get me wrong, as with all rules of writing there is only one rule – ‘Rules are for fools and the guidance of wisemen.’ That means there are no absolutes in writing. If your story demands your hero chose between two women then you just need to make sure his motivation is believable and he has good reason for dumping Girl A to take up with Girl B. A change of mind over a pretty face is not a strong enough conflict – it’s just plain fickle…
If you ask your heroine to break the law and act dishonourably (Zeus and stealing tennis balls…) then again make sure the motivation is so compelling she has no choice but to break her own moral code and commit a crime. Always retain the integrity of your lead characters.
If you want to mess around inside the head of a psychopathic killer go right ahead, but write that character into your story as the villain or in a secondary role. Then you can walk on the dark side anytime you like and the conflicts can be really angsty…
- Zeus, the closet ball-thief…
Something else conflict should not do in romance is demand the highest price. In romance we expect the hero and heroine to survive the conflict and find an optimistic ending. There’s nothing wrong with making them chose between life and death if it’s going to save the heroine, the world or their mum, but actually killing them off might not hit the mark with readers. They can be seriously injured, and that can provide a blackest moment for your story, but don’t let their wounded heart stop completely.
If you’re writing fantasy fiction or even paranormal, you can play with life after death. This means you’re going to have to resurrect your protagonist. That’s fine in your genre. Make sure if you do go down that line that it’s not a gratuitous death, but one that will bring new depth to the character by facing that conflict and paying the ultimate price. Jake Sully, in the movie AVATAR, is a wonderfully conflicted hero who is asked to pay that price. It works in AVATAR because his world, Pandora, Â has the ability to resurrect life and that is an integral part of the conflict to start with.
If you are feeling like a psychopathic writer then asking secondary characters to pay the ultimate price is a time-honoured method of creating motivation for our heroes and heroines. Be warned though, readers may send you emails and text messages if they don’t approve of your choice of victim…

Zeus was not injured in the taking of this photo 🙂
Later this week I’ll have a look at what conflict should be. Â I have to say after Anne Gracie‘s workshops last weekend I’ve taken another look at it myself!
Love to hear your thoughts on conflict and what it should not do in the genre you’re writing.
Hi Eleni, I hadn’t heard the name Thia before. I’ve always been fascinated by Greek mythology so when Zeus was such a bossy little puppy it was easy to give him that name!
Fiona, if only I took my own advice, lol 🙂 Happy edits – I’m just sitting down to start my edits before I have to submit at the end of the month…
Oh, Zeus is soooo cute. You know Helene, I too have a dog named after the Olympian God of Gods, though it’s Thia (Thee-A) which another name for Zeus (Zefs in Greek).
Great blog Helene, Info like this is golden and I can’t seem to get enough of it. Going through this now with my edits. Big thanks 🙂
Conflict’s something I wrestle with every time I start a story, Fleur. Being a panster/scener it means I have to get to the end of the story before I have that conflict straight in my head then I need to go back and strengthen it through the rest of the story.
How I wish I could be a plotter…. it would save so many words from the cutting room floor….
I loved this Helene. It actually makes sense now, why my publisher didn’t like my female lead being the badie, even if it was for good. My reasoning behind it wasn’t strong enough.
Glad Zeus and I could help, Kelly!
Thanks Helene! Puts a few issues I’ve been having into perspective with 2 of my characters 🙂
Comedy, Karly?? I simply wished to assure my readers I wouldn’t jeopardise Zeus’s safety by letting him play with sharp knives 🙂
He did look at me very strangely when I put it on the floor next to him. It was his ‘so where’s the chicken to go with that?’ kind of look….
Thanks, Fiona, he doesn’t do guilty well, but we’re working on it!
You’re right, conflict is a balancing act. Just when I think I’ve nailed it I hear someone else talk about it and go ‘oh, that’s what it means…’
LOL you really should be writing romantic comedy Helene!!!
No harm came to this dog..! the poor animal is probably traumatised by that huge meat cleaver at his feet!!
Thanks for this Helene. Reminds me that no matter what happens, the character has to be the same person, though something might shift in them. Phew – it’s a balancing act. 🙂 Love the Photo of Zues. He doesn’t look guilty at all.