Yasi’s tail had the sting. This afternoon we had 140 millimetres of rain in three hours. The street turned into a raging torrent.
The gutters on the house behind were full of storm debris and so were ours. The water overflowed, filled their yard, and then ours. It took us two hours to clean the gutters out and by then the water was lapping at our doorways. For another two hours we used brooms to keep the water under control and once the rain stopped the level gradually drop.
We’re both exhausted now, but at least we’re dry and, unlike others to the south of Cairns, our house is still undamaged. I’ve just had the most physical four hours I’ve had in a long time – no gym work out comes close!
I’ll need a very strong coffee before I chat with the BBC radio shows tonight although, as the phones are only working intermittently at the moment, chances are they won’t get through. It is a little surreal being dropped into drive-time radio in the UK…
Time for a hot shower now. I suspect Yasi hasn’t finished with us yet.

Hi Janice, I’m glad you found my site and that I’ve been able to reassure you. It’s always so worrying when something like this goes through and you’re away from home. Happy to check on your place today if you like – just send me the address via the contact form. (It’s not like Trinity is a big place!)
We had considerably more damage during cyclone Steve than we’ve had during Yasi so your yard probably just needs a good tidy-up!
Hi Helene
I just want to tell you how happy I was to find your website and view how Trinity Beach fared in the aftermath of Cyclone Yasi. We are in the USA but our house is in Trinity Beach and we have been desperate to get an update of the situation in that area because we had no idea if we still had a house or not. After seeing your pictures, we are now optimistic that our house has withstood the battering. Thank you for sharing your photos and comments with those of us elsewhere in the world who have been craving news. Wishing everyone over there and all those areas affected a speedy recovery.
You’re right Cathy. Cairns was very fortunate.
No, Lesley, Zeus was locked in the house frantically trying to escape during yesterday’s thunderstorm. He slept like a baby during Cyclone Yasi so I don’t understand his staffy logic….
Kylie, the SES is working so hard and doing a fantastic job. My husband’s 2IC is involved and he won’t be at work for the next week or two. Totally understand that you would need to prioritise and you still need SES folk left on the ground in other areas. I see Victoria has more flooding again…
Helene, I’m so glad to hear you’re all safe and relatively unscathed, despite the flash flooding and real-life gym workout. 🙂
Our SES unit has been called up to provide a storm damage crew somewhere in Queensland. Members are flying to Sydney as I type this and they’ll be flown to Qld sometime today for a week of tasking with the clean-up.
I would loved to have gone as a part of the team but priorities dictate that I need to finish a book before I do any volunteer work out of area. So, my thoughts and prayers are with the volunteers who did go and with you guys as you begin the recovery phase.
Again, so glad you’re all safe! Hugs!
Hi Helene,
Hope you are over the worse now. Its sounds terrifying ! Hope poor Zeus was ok and didnt do a runner. Take care xx
Ouch!, still, as you say you got off lightly to those further south, go get some rest!