It’s wonderful to see so many people rallying to help others. My publisher Hachette has made a very generous donation to the appeal and when I checked on the list of corporate donors on the website I was amazed at the extent of donations and the diversity of companies helping out. Lovely to see 🙂
Authors for Queensland is an auction initiative put together by four writers, Emily Gale, Katrina Germein, Kate Gordon and my good friend Fleur McDonald.  Everything on the site – books, mentorships, critiques, blog appearances, reviews – has been donated so all funds really will make their way to the people who need the help.
You’ll find me on the site with a twin pack of Shattered Sky and Wings of Fear. Fiona Palmer has her books listed. Lisa Heidke is offering a mentoring opportunity and the wonderful Robyn Grady is offering a whopping six (6) month mentorship!! Katherine Howell, Lindy Cameron, Karen Tyrrel all have books up for grabs. Anna Jacobs is offering a critique of your work and since she’s one of Australia’s most prolific authors her advice is worth a great deal! The list is huge!!
It can be a little tricky to navigate through the site but the girls did a magnificent job getting it up and running very quickly so take your time and use the search function on the top left. Otherwise, if you click on a category you’ll need to use the ‘previous post’ selection on the bottom left to take you back to the earlier listings.
The auction will close on the 11pm Monday 24th January. This is the perfect opportunity to pick up a bargain for yourself or to stock pile some personalised goodies for very special birthday presents through out the year.
Of course, if you want to ‘double-dip’ so to speak, you could always bid on a book and then donate that to the RWA Flooded Communities Book Appeal. This wonderful initiative did a stirling job during the tragic fires in Victoria. This time they are aiming to help restock libraries, community groups and the general community with books. No, it’s not, as one friend rather disparagingly described it, an attempt to infiltrate the world with Mills and Boons (although that sounds like a fine plan to me!). RWA is looking for any books – new or almost new – in any genre. Children’s books and YA are just as important as books for older readers. So dig deep. Maybe you received a book for Christmas and it wasn’t your cup of tea. Now’s your chance to put it to good use. Maybe you’ve read a favourite author recently so buy another copy and share it. Angus & Robertson currently have a 20% off sale plus free postage until 20th January. Take advantage and share some joy.
RWA has drop off points available along the east coast of Australia otherwise their website offers advice on the cheapest way to post. I’m the drop off  in Cairns so if you contact me via this site I can give you details or organise to collect from you.
And congratulations to the amazing women who’ve made these initiatives happen 😀

Helene, if given a chance, would you want to fly the A380?
Oh, good I will let Maggie know
Sounds very sensible Cathy! I love the Melbourne Airport Hilton. I spent a lot of nights there when we were using the Ansett Simulator centre. The staff are lovely and the rooms are so light and airy. I wrote a good portion of Shattered Sky there watching the A380 doing training 🙂
Maggie is off to NZ for a week in March. Unluckily she needs to be at the airport by 0300. That means we need to be uyp at 0200. She is booking in on the friday evening at the Melbourne Airport Hilton instead, so I at least get to sleep while she gets up early
Sandy, sounds like you’re collecting some fabulous books! Hope you made the most of having B home 🙂 Enjoy your writing group.
I’m headed south to Brisbane for an unexpected overnight. Ah the joys of reserve…
Thanks, Cathy, between you and Sandy I’ll be smiling at 04.30 tomorrow morning when the pick up arrives at the hotel… It puts another dimension on the ugly hour…
I Like that, we called that time Zero Dark Thirty in the Service
Hey Rachel, fancy meeting you here! I’ve got a great mix to drop off to Sue today. Wilbur Smith, Clive Cussler, Nora Roberts, a few more sci fi and of course a dozen or so in different categories of M&B 🙂
Helene, you wouldn’t believe it, I’ve just had the other half home for three days in a row! He left for Sydney this morning at O’disgusting hours, but only for two nights.
Well, ladies, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to have a lovely day with my writing group. 🙂
Another great post, Helene! And in terms of what books the RWA Appeal would like, you’re right – all genres of books! Some lovely crime would be great, and some fabulous fantasy and science fiction would be most excellent – something for everyone to read!