Today’s guest is another new to me author, New Zealander, Kamy Chetty. She’s sharing her slice of writing heaven in Auckland with us today and I have to say I’m a little jealous! Look at those autumn colours.
Kamy writes for Red Sage and her book BREATH AGAIN sounds like a wonderful emotional read. There’s an e-book to be won so join in the conversation!! And now it’s over to Kamy!
It is such a pleasure to be here today, so thank you so much for asking me.
I’m going to make a confession to you. I am a creature of comfort so you won’t find me out hiking in the bush. So when I think of my favourite writing place, it’s where I feel safe and comfortable, that is my home.
When the sun is out I like to sit outside on the deck with my laptop. I usually end up plotting my next story or editing. The view from the deck is gorgeous and we have some lovely trees out back. My two dogs keep me company while I bask in the sun and enjoy the vitamin D. I leave my serious writing for indoors because for me I need to be disciplined to get the words on the page.
Sometimes I need time out. This is when I take time out and chill. There are times when your characters take you on a wild ride and editing can get to be too much. My body tells me when I need to take a time out, stiff muscles and headaches are the usual cues. Then it’s time for a much earned coffee and a seat out in a quiet space where I can think. I find I give a lot of myself to my job and my characters so ‘me’ time is really important to keep the story clear and get the flow right.
This spot is amazing and my hubby built this extension on our deck and it’s so peaceful. All I do is turn on the IPOD and I’m set.
Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that makes things worth it. Again thanks for having me here. I look forward to hearing from you all.
You certainly have a gorgeous spot for writing, Kamy, and I love your canine companions! (Zeus sends his regards!) Thanks for giving us a peek inside your writing space. Makes me want to nip across the Tasman and visit New Zealand again 🙂 Leave a comment and go into the draw for an ebook copy of Breath Again. The winner will be announced on the 31st August!
After a tour at war and countless shifts in the hospital emergency room, Nick knows that no matter how hard he tries to change things, people are the same. So when his estranged wife Skylar reveals that she stopped taking birth control and is pregnant, he shouldn’t be shocked. Betrayal burns and panic sets in as memories of his shattered home life remind him that he can’t play happy families.
Skylar knows one thing—she’s head over nurse’s shoes in love with the stubborn and unemotional Nick. She loves him enough to believe in the man he is, even though he can’t see it for himself and hides behind a mask. As he calls their child “hers” and tries to live apart from her, Skylar’s heart breaks, but she refuses to give up hope that he’ll do the right thing.When disaster strikes, Skylar realizes Nick might never change, so she risks everything and sets him free, hoping he’ll come back, for her and their baby. Is heat, passion and a vow enough to seal this marriage and make them a family?
About Kamy Chetty
My daughter tells me I have the best job in the world and at times I tend to agree with her, but when I have these characters in my head that refuse to leave me until I get them on paper then I don’t. The truth is I do love my job. I get to create a world of my own and most of the time I get to do what I want in my world except of course when my characters decide they know best.
Was this an easy journey to get to this point. No. It took a lot of hard work and believing in yourself when most times you want to give up. But I am really lucky to have had people who believed in me. I was really lucky to have believed in myself. So my advice to you is- never ever give up on your dreams. Life would be too boring if we didn’t dream.
Find her at:
Follow her on twitter : @kamychetty
Chat with her on Facebook : Kamy Chetty

Hi Helene. Thanks, yes I am plotting the next book which is set in Paradise Falls. I loved writing Breathe Again so I am glad people like it too;-)
Kamy, I hope you’re working on your next book! Sounds like Breath Again has been a big hit 🙂
Desere, thanks for dropping by. Kamy is very blessed with a peaceful back yard!
Tash, it certainly makes me want to head over the Tasman for another visit to NZ!! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Doesn’t just, Nas! A good book, a canine companion and a day in the sun – sounds like bliss 🙂
Cath, I’m with you there! Those gorgeous colours would be very distracting 🙂
Hi Everybody, thanks for coming by. Yes it is absolutely peaceful in the back yard. At the moment we are having some good sunny days so definitely great opportunities to take the laptop or a good book and sit outside. Glad you enjoyed the book Desere;-)
Hi Kamy, Hi Helene! I love the pictures of your back yard it looks so calm and peaceful! I can see why you feel comfortable and safe there! Breath again was fabulous – good luck in the draw everyone!
Hi Kamy, Hi Helene. LOVE your post. It’s so neat you can share a little slice of our amazing life we have as NZers to the world. Love your back yard. With such a fab outlook no wonder your way with words is brilliant Kamy, I never realised how inspirational our lives in NZ are 🙂
Hello Helene and Kamy!
Thanks so much for sharing these lovely post. Even looking at all the photos, makes me want to curl up with a good book there!
Hi Helene and Kamy,
What glorious autumn colours and beautiful trees. It looks like a lovely spot to soak up Vitamin D and spend time with the dogs. I don’t know I’d do much work out there at all!!
Cath xo